Can’t make a Test for any of the following Skills unless you have least a Rating of 1 in that Skill:
- Medicae (Int)
- Pilot (A)
- Scholar (Int)
- Survival (Wil)
- Tech (Int)
Medicae (Int)
- You can use a Combat Action to make a Medicae (Int) Test to accomplish any of the effects below
- If you attempt Medicae on yourself, the test is made with a +1 DN penalty
- Attempting Medicae on another species also increases the DN by a minimum of 1, which higher penalties for Species that are more different to your own
Heal Wounds
- You can make a DN 3 Medicae (Int) Test to restore a Wound to a character
- Every Shifted Exalted Icon on a Medicae (Int) Test to restore a Wound restores 1 additional Wound
- If you have a Medicae Rating you can heal a single character’s Wounds during a Regroup
- They automatically regain a number of Wounds equal to your Medicae (Int) dice pool
Remove a Condition
- The DN of a Medicae (Int) Test to remove a Condition is either 3, or equal to the penalty cause by the Condition
- If your target is Hindererd, the Medicae (Int) Test DN is 1
- If your target is Bleeding, the Medicae (Int) Test DN is 3
- Some Conditions might have a higher or lower DN depending on the circumstances
- For example, a particular toxin used to inflict the Poisoned Condition may reuqire a particularly high DN to cure
Restore Shock
- If you have a Medikit or a similar device, you can make a DN 3 Medicae (Int) Test to restore Rank +1 Shock