The Jury’s Out

Shadowrun UK: An SR5e game set in the UK

Justice for the Just?

Johnson Papa
Summary Information Acquisition and Intimidation
Meet 04/12/2075 (Wednesday)
Legwork and Run 04/12/2075 (Wednesday) – 10/12/2075 (Tuesday)
Pay £10,000, 31 karma (21 Session + 10 reward)
Game time 08/02/2018 – 17/05/2018 (10 Sessions)


04/12/2075 (Wednesday)

05/12/2075 (Thursday)

Elliott Moore

Jack and Borat went to see Tara Woods

Case Files

Tara’s Case Files

06/12/2075 (Friday)

Jack phoned Papa

Borat investigated the witnesses – found their addresses

Acquired one doberman drone (damaged) and a Nozquito (damaged)

Hearing sirens – made off in the car

Headed into the London Barrens

07/12/2075 (Saturday)

£16,875 for 3 cyberlimbs

Went back to Neville Calbot’s house

8/12/2075 (Sunday)

2pm Neville called Jack’s burner

It was agreed that Neville could be released from the gang by winning a race. Team agreed and it was arranged for the following evening

09/12/2075 (Monday)

Needed to acquire a disposable vehicle for the race

Also acquired: Fireworks, Paint Grenades, Paint-job (Yellow NEV1), Ultraglide lube 10l

That evening the team headed back to the barrens for the race



10/12/2075 (Sunday)

Team infiltrated Centicore Machinery to see what information could be obtained from the witnesses

Vlad and Borat: Approached Morris and Neville in security

10 min before exit

£1,750 run expenses each