Doors and Windows
- Windows tend to be mirrored (prevents outside spellcasting)
- Tinting is often voice or wireless controlled
- Transparent concrete
Key Locks
- Not very common (private safes or low-end businesses)
- Locksmith + AGI [Physical] (Lock Rating, 1 Combat Turn) Extended Test
- Autopickers add their Rating
- Or use their Rating in place of the skill
Transponder-Embedded Keys
- Calibrated resistor that completes a circuit in the lock
- Additional test to general the appropriate electrical characteristics
- Requires an electronics kit
- Hardware + LOG [Mental] (Lock Rating, 1 minute) Extended Test
- If it is the same character picking the lock and calibrating the electrical feed, -2 to both tests
- Widespread
- “Keys” can be:
- Physical (keypad, swipe card, proximity card, memory string)
- Biometric
- Or any combination thereof
- See below for details
- Often accessible via local network
- May be monitored by security hacker/rigger
- Usually log all usages (time, date, identity of user)
- Remove case: Locksmith + AGI [Physical] (Maglock Rating ×2, 1 Combat Turn) Extended Test
- Break case: Barrier Rating = Maglock Rating
- Overzealous attempts may harm electronics inside
- Re-assembling case requires the same test
- Anti-tamper systems: Rating 1-4, Locksmith + AGI [Physical] (Anti-tamper System Rating)
- Failing triggers and alarm
- Access code (often different ones for different users)
- Rewiring circuits: Locksmith + AGI [Physical] (Maglock Rating ×2, 1 Combat Turn)
- Maglock sequencer can be used
- Opposed Test by Sequencer vs Maglock Rating
- Wireless: +1 Rating bonus
- Swipe cards or RFID proximity cards
- Can also be defeated using Maglock passkeys
- Opposed Test by Passkey Rating vs Maglock Rating
- Wireless: +1 Rating bonus
- Can also copy a keycard using a keycard copier
- Copies in seconds
- New keycard can be manufactured with a Hardware kit, about ten minutes
- Hardware + LOG [Mental] (2) Test
- Opposed Test by Forged Keycard Rating ×2 vs Maglock Rating ×2
- Wireless: +1 dice pool bonus
- Note: Some systems will record unusual usage of duplicate keys
Print Scanners
- Fingerprints, palm prints, retinal prints, pattern of blood vessels in face/palm
- Synthetic print glove-like membrane (a “sleeve”) can be manufactured for fingerprints and thumbprints using a cellular glove molder
- Opposed Test by Duplicate Rating vs Maglock Rating
- Retinal duplication cybereye accessory
- Opposed Test by Duplicate Rating vs Maglock Rating
Voice Recognition
- Vocal response from an approved user’s voice within a set time
- If note, alarm is sounded
- Recording, simulation can also be used
- Opposed Test by Equipment Used Rating vs Voice Recognition System
Breath, Cellular, and DNA Scanners
- Sample of user’s cells (off finger/palm, hair suction, exhaled particles)
- Sample required, preserved in specially formulated enzyme bath
- Enzyme bath can be synthesised in a chemistry shop using Chemistry + Logic (5, 1 hour) Extended Test
Facial Recognition
- Opposed Test by Disguise + INT [Mental] vs Device Rating
- +2 dice pool modifier if system is picking character out of a crowd