- Hardened armour provides an additional layer of protection against attacks
- It affects attacks in two ways depending on the DV:
- If the modified DV < (hardened armour rating - AP) then the attack does no damage
- If modified DV > (hardened armour rating - AP) then a damage resistance test is made as normal
- In addition, half of the hardened armour rating (modified by AP, round up) counts as automatic extra hits on this test
Sources of Hardened Armour
Hardened Armour Critter Power
- This is the basic source of hardened armour for critters
Immunity Critter Power
- Immunity provides a hardened armour rating equal to 2×Essence against that specific damage type
- Immunity to Normal Weapons applies to all non-magical attacks
- Overcome by spells, weapon foci, adept or critter powers
- Materialisation by spirits grants them Immunity to Normal Weapons whilst materialised
Hardened Mil-spec Battle Armour
- Is treated as if it has the Hardened Armour critter power