Combat Actions

Rules and Resources: Various Resources for Dark Heresy

Attack Actions

Action Type Description
All Out Atack Full +20 to WS, cannot Dodge or Parry
Charge Full Must move 4 metres (limit is 3×AB metres), +10 to WS
Defensive Stance Full Enemies –20 WS, you cannot attack
Feint Half Opposed WS Test, if you win, your next attack cannot be Dodged or Parried
Full Auto Burst Full +20 to BS, additional hit for every degree of success
Grapple Full Make a Grapple attack (see page 197)
Guarded Attack Full –10 WS, +10 to Parry and Dodge
Knock-Down Half Try and knock an opponent to the ground (see page 190)
Multiple Attacks Full Use Swift Attack or Lightning Attack talents to make multiple attacks
Overwatch Varies Shoot targets coming into a set kill zone, –20 to BS
Semi-Auto Burst Full +10 to BS, additional hit for every two degrees of success
Standard Attack Half Make one melee or ranged attack
Stun Full Try to Stun an opponent
Suppressing Fire Full Force opponents to take cover, –20 to BS

Move Actions

Action Type Description
Disengage Full Break off from melee and move
Jump/Leap Full Leap or Jump (see page 214)
Manoeuvre Half Opposed WS Test, if you win move enemy 1 metre
Move Half/Full Move up to your movement (AB metres) as a Half Action or twice your movement (2×AB metres) as a Full Action
Run Full Move triple (6×AB metres), enemies –20 BS and +20 WS
Stand/Mount Half Stand up or mount a riding animal
Tactical Advance Full Move from cover to cover

Miscellaneous Actions

Action Type Description
Aim Half/Full +10 bonus to hit as a Half Action or +20 to hit as a Full Action on your next attack
Delay Half Before your next Turn take any Half Action
Dodge Reaction Test Dodge to negate a hit
Focus Power Varies Use a Psychic Power
Parry Reaction Test Weapon Skill to negate a hit
Ready Half Ready a weapon or item
Reload Varies Reload a ranged weapon
Use Skill Varies You may use a Skill